ATTENDANCE POLICY (updated January 2023)

Young Body Rehab strives to provide complete evaluation and treatment intervention on a 1:1 child to therapist ratio as we believe it is the best model for our clients to perform, gain knowledge and make changes in their physical and mental functioning. Pediatric physical therapy is a specialty practice and our combined experience makes our service provision unique to Palm Beach County.

We respect that your time is valuable with your child, and we value our time spent with you and your child. Please arrive on time for your scheduled appointment and understand that the more you can prepare your child for the session (proper clothing, pre-therapy snack, nap, etc.) the more positive the outcome will be.

We also understand that children and families are ill from time to time. If your child is ill (fever, vomiting, copious nasal secretions/cough) please cancel his/her scheduled appointment. We prefer 24 hour notice, if possible. We have a waiting list for therapy appointments and would like to provide services to another child during the time your child is away.

Our attendance policy is:

1. If your child requires a recurring, weekly appointment, this will be scheduled as such and a reminder phone call/text is not required.

2. If your child misses more than 3 appointments due to illness or another outside scheduled appointment in a limited time period, we reserve the right to change your recurring appointment time. Please refrain from scheduling other doctor/therapy appointments during your recurring appointment time.

3. IF your child misses a scheduled appointment and there is no phone contact by the parent, we reserve the right to remove you from our recurring appointment list and schedule therapy appointments on a day-day or week-week basis.

4. We strongly discourage canceling an appointment less than 4 hours before a scheduled appointment time. Unless there is an extenuating circumstance, this appointment will not be rescheduled in the same week.

5. A cancellation fee up to the amount of a full therapy session ($50-$125) may be applied to your account if a scheduled appointment is canceled less than 24 hours before the appointment time or for a missed appointment without phone contact. Please plan for absences in advance; using our text appointment reminders to cancel a session should be utilized in emergencies only.

6. If your child is part of a weekly recurring intensive program/suit therapy program, you have reserved 2-4 hours of our therapist team time. For any reason this type of appointment is canceled, a fee up to the full amount of that therapy session (50-100%) may be applied. We will make an exhaustive effort to fill the time period with another client in order to minimize the fee applied to your account. You have the option of rescheduling within the same week as the patient schedule allows.

7. We accept text messages 24 hours/day and thank you for pre-planning when you require a change to your appointment time by texting or calling 561-625-6860. By signing, below, you are agreeing to receive and respond to appointment reminder text messages in a timely manner.

Signature of parent or personal representative